Everett Mountain Rescue team members control a rescue litter on Sloan Peak with the MRA logo overlaid

Mountain Rescue Association

The Washington Mountain Rescue Association (WAMRA) represents the eleven Mountain Rescue teams across Washington state. In addition to being a member of Everett Mountain Rescue, I’ve been fortunate to partner with WAMRA teams on print projects and custom illustration to support their missions of bringing people home safely from the wilderness.

Custom Illustration & Swag

In 2024, we designed custom swag including a t-shirt, hoody and sun shirt, for the WAMRA Winter Reaccreditation, a statewide event where Washington Mountain Rescue teams were graded on their avalanche response and rescue capabilities.

The custom illustration includes typical winter avalanche rescue equipment including a subject litter, avalanche probe, transceiver, shovel, radio, first aid kit, snowshoes and skis.

Washington Mountain Rescue Association winter rescue tools illustration
Everett Mountain Rescue team members gather after the 2024 WAMRA Winter Reaccredidation

My team, Everett Mountain Rescue, after passing the 2024 WAMRA Winter Reaccred.

Seattle Mountain Rescue Annual Report

Seattle Mountain Rescue (SMR) is a volunteer organization of experienced alpinists dedicated to saving lives in all seasons through search, rescue, and mountain safety education. We helped design their 2020 Annual Report, Begtrage, during a critical fundraising year for the organization. In December 2020, SMR broke ground on establishing their own permanent headquarters. For years the team had kept its equipment spread out over several locations and borrowed training space at local fire departments.

Seattle Mountain Rescue Annual Report cover

The Mountain Rescue Center in North Bend now supports their field operations including equipment storage, team training space, and education space.

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