The Northwest Weather and Avalanche Center (NWAC) is a non-profit weather forecasting center focusing primarily on weather conditions that can lead to avalanches in the Pacific Northwest. Its twice daily forecasts are a critical resource for recreational and professional users of mountains in the Pacific Northwest.
In 2023, we created swag to help support NWACs membership drive. The hat, tshirt and sweatshirt are offered as gifts for various membership tiers.
All images except lower left courtesy of NWAC.
Two concepts were submitted for the tshirt and sweatshirt, internally identified as “Tools of the Trade” and “Snow Science”. “The first “Tools of the Trade,” is a grid of nine different tools that a NWAC forecaster or a recreationists might bring with them on a winter snow tour. The second, “Snow Science” was ultimately chosen and is also a grid of grains of snow if various states of decomposition/metamorphosis.
A different concept was chosen for a hat and stickers. This one shows a wintery scene in the Pacific Northwest.
Both chosen concepts underwent revisions and refinements. A few of the grains of snow were replaced and the winter scene ultimately did away with the volcanic mountain and ski tracks in order to appeal to all types of recreationists all over Washington state.